Thermal conductivity nke flake graphite

The thermal conductivity nke flake graphite bụ okpomọkụ na-ebufe site square ebe n'okpuru ike okpomọkụ nyefe ọnọdụ. Flake graphite bụ ezigbo ihe na-eduzi ọkụ na enwere ike ịme ya ka ọ bụrụ akwụkwọ graphite na-ekpo ọkụ. The ibu thermal conductivity nke flake graphite bụ, mma thermal conductivity nke thermal conductive graphite akwụkwọ ga-adị. The thermal conductivity nke flake graphite metụtara nhazi, njupụta, iru mmiri, okpomọkụ, nrụgide na ihe ndị ọzọ nke thermal conductive graphite akwụkwọ.

Esemokwu-ihe-graphite- (4)

Thermal conductivity na arụmọrụ nke flake graphite na-arụ ọrụ dị mkpa na mmepụta nke ụlọ ọrụ thermal conductive ihe. Na mmepụta nke thermal conductive graphite akwụkwọ, ọ nwere ike ịhụ site na thermal conductivity nke flake graphite na akụrụngwa na elu thermal conductivity kwesịrị ịhọrọ. The flake graphite nwere ọtụtụ ngwa ngwa, dị ka ulo oru thermal conductivity, refractories na mmanu mmanu.

Grafite a tụrụ atụ bụ akụrụngwa akụrụngwa a na-ejikarị na-emepụta ntụ ntụ graphite dị iche iche. Enwere ike ịhazi graphite nwere nha ka ọ bụrụ ngwaahịa ntụ ntụ dị iche iche, a na-emekwa ntụ ntụ flake graphite site n'ịgwepịa. Grafite a na-eme ka ọ dị mma nwere ọrụ mmanye mmanye dị mma, nguzogide okpomọkụ dị elu na conductivity thermal, na conductivity thermal bụ oke dị oke mkpa.

Oge nzipu: Nov-25-2022